Many providers are moving services out of the hospital to reduce costs, be market competitive, deliver more cost efficient care, and provide care closer to their patients. If your organizational strategy includes non-traditional care sites, you should consider how mammography could benefit your bottom line.


Take the quiz and learn about the 3 valuable benefits.

With mammography services at your site, you may:

Better manage increased volumes and generate revenue

Providers anticipate a 74% increase in mammography procedure volumes in the non-hospital space in 2023.2


In addition, new guidelines are permitting women with higher risk to get screened at an earlier age, increasing the demand for mammography.

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Capture an early ROI

Lowering expenses at non-hospital sites can significantly impact your ability to capture a robust return on investment (ROI).

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Keep patients in your network

As the power buyers of healthcare, women control about 80% of the healthcare spend in the U.S.⁸

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